
Top 10 Fruits for Healthy Glowing Skin


If you are dying to get silky and glowing skin, increase fruits intake. Including fruits in our routine diet will make our skin very smooth and healthy. Fruits give natural glow and fairness to our skin and protect against harsh weather and air conditions.

Add fruits to your daily menu to get a healthy and glowing skin. Find the best fruits that can serve you sparkling healthy skin.

Best Fruits for Beautiful Skin

This information may tell how silly it would be to ignore fruits. They are the best skin tonics as well good for your overall health.

1. Banana

Banana has many minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorous as well vitamins E, K, C and vitamin A.  The nutrients in the fruit make your skin softer and refreshing; prevent lines and wrinkles and ageing. It hydrates the skin and moisturizes.

You can add a bananato your breakfast meal and if you don’t like to eat you can also mash it and apply on your face.

2. Lemon

Lemon is famous for beauty treatment. Lemons are very high in vitamin C and antioxidant which are known as natural bleaching agents. It helps to prevent acne scars and dark spots. It makes your skin lighten and whiten and deep cleanse your skin.

You can apply directly on skin or drink it with add lemon juice in a glass of warm water with honey in morning. If you have oily skin then mix rose water with lemon juice and blob it on your skin and wash it after ten minutes. As well mix lemon juice with the same drops of milk and apply ifare suffering from dark circles.

3. Papaya

Papaya use in form of lotions, face cleansers and soaps. For girlish, glowing and brightened skin eat it regularly or apply papaya pulp to your skin. You can use papaya as a scrub as mix some lemon juice and rose water with orange peel.

4. Avocados

Avocado has dietary fibre with vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, Pantothenic Acid, folate, and niacin.  It keeps your skin from Ultra Violet radiations.  It helps maintain the skins’ resistance and give a rich and spotless skin.

You can use avocado in sandwiches or a breakfast bowl. Also, it used as toppings on cakes and other food items.

5. Mango

Mango is very plump and sweet fruit. It is full of vitamins like A, C, E and K. It also has beta-carotene, xanthophyll, and polyphenolic. Mango protects your eyes and skin equally. Mango contains dietary fibre and sugar which helps in preventing constipation. This will ultimately save you from many skin disorders.

6. Apple

Apples are very rich in fibre and acids such as glycolic acid, malic acid, hydroxyl acid and salicylic acid. The acids in this fruit promote your skin fixed young and restored by repairing skin cells. It has minerals like magnesium; potassium and calcium which help forage the harmless oxygen radicles.

Eat regularly one apple with corn flex or add it to your breakfast bowl. Also, try apple pie or use cake or smoothie to make your meal delicious and healthy. Crush one apple and apply it on your face or add some honey in pulp and make aface mask. Rinse your face after 10 minutes.

7. Cucumber

Cucumber has heavy water content and has freshening influence on the body. Vitamin C and K are very high in cucumber. It helps in plummeting wrinkles and used in skin bleaching.

You can eat cucumber as it is or make a salad.  As well make a juice and add some lemon juice with a pinch of salt and cumin powder. Grating cucumber and add milk or coconut oil and apply on skin. It protects the skin against acne.

8. Orange

Orange is very pulpy and juicy sweet fruit. It is very high in vitamin C. it helps to reduce tenderness. Eat it as fruit or drink as juice. You can use orange in your cake, smoothie or chocolates. Spread on orange juice on your face and leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse it.

Make orange mask by mixing with lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric, and honey.

9. Strawberry

Strawberries are containing very high vitamin C and alpha – hydroxyl acid. Strawberries are very useful for spotless and vibrant skin. Salicylic acid means hydroxyl acid used in thecure of acne as it used in creams enters depth into the pores and dusts the skin. Strawberries prevent wrinkle and protect your skin against UV rays.

10. Grapes

Grapes are very sweet and watery fruit. No matter if it is green or red, both are equal fill with vitamin C, K, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and resveratrol. Resveratrol protects against skin cancer and prevents skin damage from Ultra Violet rays. Also, grapes seeds extract has to cure, caring and skin restoring.

Fruits are best to keep your skin beautiful. Application of fruit masks on your face keeps you protected from the early wrinkles.

If you are a Bollywood fan, you surely love to know the beauty and fitness secrets of the leading ladies of Bollywood. Stay in tuned to coffee with India to learn more about keeping your health at its best.

Krishna Parmar, a dynamic force in the digital realm, is a Blogger, Writer, and Publisher at Buzz9studio. With a passion for storytelling, Krishna crafts compelling narratives that captivate audiences. His work transcends boundaries, blending creativity with insightful perspectives. A dedicated wordsmith, he navigates the digital landscape, leaving an indelible mark through his versatile content.